Beiträge von chomse

    I try to create PDF files from a WPTools 5 report. I use the following
    code copied from the WPDF Manual.

    But I still get the message that the licence code is missing and only 3
    pages are created. I use an idependently bought WPDF 2 licence and
    the value pair given for this licence. The created pages are OK, so the
    problem is either the position of the WPDF_Start call or the licence

    Regards from Germany


    I need to display the amount on top and bottom of the main block of
    an invoice. I try to solve this with an additional header and footer, which
    I can activate/deactivate by code. But to be able to do it, I need to
    control the ordering in which header and footer blocks are been

    Where can I modify/control the ordering of header and footer sections?

    Regards from Germany


    Additional information. There is a difference in the document properties.
    The normal PDF files show that Truetype fonts are used, the smaller
    ones show that Type 1 fonts are used.

    Regards from Germany


    I create pages in a PDF file with DrawMetafileEx.

    The problem is that on one computer the Metafile only ocupies a quarter of
    the page, whereas on others it occupies the whole page as intended.

    Which setting might have triggered this difference.

    Regards from Germany
