Change Toolbar Design

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WPDLL_COM_DialogBackground = 9501

parameter=1 activates a brushed metal background for the dialogs.


You can also load a background image for the tiling




WPDLL_COM_ToolbarDesign = 9502

Select the design style for all toolbars which do not use the <design> tag in the XML. If the command does not show any effect please check the layout description with the WPImagePack application and disable the tags <design.../>.


This modes are supported:



WPDLL_COM_ToolBarColorFrom = 9503

Change the start color for the gradient fill used by mode 3. Default is $FFFFFF


WPDLL_COM_ToolBarColorTo = 9504

Change the end color for the gradient fill used by mode 3. Default is $FE9696


  C# Example:






WPDLL_COM_SetHorzBack = 9505

Load a bitmap which is stretched on the background of horizontal toolbars. You can realize individual shading using such a bitmap.


WPDLL_COM_SetVertBack = 9506

Load a bitmap which is stretched on the background of vertical toolbars.



[toolbar_design.htm]    Copyright © 2007 by WPCubed GmbH