Class TWPBlockTemplate


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TCollectionItem | WPRTEDefs.TWPCollectionItem | TWPBlockTemplate



Description for Class TWPCollectionItem

Add Interface support to TCollectionItems - this helps for property editors. Unlike with interface objects the object is NOT destroyed when the interface refcount reaches 0.


Property InsideDataGroup : Integer



OnCustomGetFirstRow : TWPBlockTemplateGetFirstRowEvent= TWPBlockTemplateGetFirstRowEvent

Use this event to customize the behavior when the first data record should be selected

OnCustomGetNextRow : TWPBlockTemplateGetNextRowEvent= TWPBlockTemplateGetNextRowEvent

Use this event to customize the behavior when the next data record should be selected

OnEnterGroup : TWPBlockTemplateEnterGroupEvent= TWPBlockTemplateEnterGroupEvent

This event is triggered when a group is being entered to create and fill the client rows.

OnExitGroup : TWPBlockTemplateExitGroupEvent= TWPBlockTemplateExitGroupEvent

This event is triggered when the group is left.

OnGetFirstRow : TWPBlockTemplateGetFirstRowEvent= TWPBlockTemplateGetFirstRowEvent

OnGetNextRow : TWPBlockTemplateGetNextRowEvent= TWPBlockTemplateGetNextRowEvent

The event OnGetNextRow is triggered after the next data record was alocated. It can be used to initialise running variables or limit the count of data rows which should be displayed: if CurrRowNr>3 then Proceed := false;

OnGetRowCount : TWPBlockTemplateGetRowCount= TWPBlockTemplateGetRowCount

OnMailMergeGetText : TWPBlockTemplateMailMergeEvent= TWPBlockTemplateMailMergeEvent

This event will be triggered for fields in the TextTemplate when using in table cells.

OnPrepareRow : TWPBlockTemplatePrepareRowEvent= TWPBlockTemplatePrepareRowEvent

Use this event to create data which is required by the current row. The "Values" and "GlobalValues" of the Group Object can be very helpful in this contect. You can use those Variant values within your calculation. The "GlobalValues" will be unassigned at the start of the creation process, "Values" will refresh for each Enter/Leave Group event.
Group.GlobalValue['SUM_YEARS'] := Group.GlobalValue['SUM_YEARS'] + MasterYear.AsInteger;

Used or referenced by

-Property TWPEditLinkParagraphObj.EditLink : TWPCollectionItem
-Property TWPEditLinkParagraphObj.EditLink : TWPCollectionItem
-Property TWPColumnTemplates.ParentBlock : TWPBlockTemplate