Class TWPTextObjectClass


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TCollectionItem | TWPTextObjectClass


This is a list of class descriptions for TWPTextObj. The logic selects the first which matches to as certain object. Usually your logic will also differentiate by the name. For special match conditions you can use the event OnObjectClassCheckMatch.
TWPTextObjectClass instances are managed by the component .


Property ObjTag : TObject


OnObjectClassCalcSize : TWPTextObjectClassEventCalcSize= TWPTextObjectClassEventCalcSize

Implement code to calculate the dimensions of the text object.

OnObjectClassCheckMatch : TWPTextObjectClassEventCheckMatch= TWPTextObjectClassEventCheckMatch

Implement special match conditions. If it matches the GetSize and Paint events can be executed. This event is only triggered for the items wich match the ObjClassName, TypeRequired and ModesExcluded condition.

OnObjectClassGetText : TWPTextObjectClassEventGetText= TWPTextObjectClassEventGetText

Implement code to get the text which is renedered in the editor. Set Handled to true, if you also want to set a specific size for the object. You can store the displayed text in the TextObj.Params property if you need to.

OnObjectClassMouseDown : TWPTextObjectClassEventMouse= TWPTextObjectClassEventMouse

Implement a MouseDown handler, i.e. show a drop down list

OnObjectClassMouseMove : TWPTextObjectClassEventMouse= TWPTextObjectClassEventMouse

Implement a MouseMove handler, i.e. show a field hint.

OnObjectClassMouseUp : TWPTextObjectClassEventMouse= TWPTextObjectClassEventMouse

Implement a MouseUp handler, i.e. show a drop down list

OnObjectClassPaint : TWPTextObjectClassEventPaint= TWPTextObjectClassEventPaint

Implement code to paint the object.

OnObjectClassPaintBackground : TWPTextObjectClassEventPaint= TWPTextObjectClassEventPaint

Implement code to paint the background of the object.

OnObjectClassWrite : TWPTextObjectClassWrite= TWPTextObjectClassWrite

Implement code to create custom text inside of the HTML writer for a certain object class. The parameter StartObj will be passed as reference when the end object is saved.

Used or referenced by

-Function TWPTextObjectClassCollection.Add : TWPTextObjectClass