Function TParagraph.AppendNewRow(DontCopyStyle:Boolean; LastRow:TParagraph) : TParagraph

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph



The type of the result value is TParagraph.


Append an empty row paragraph to this table or after this paragraph if this paragraph is a row paragraph. You can use to create the first cell in the created row. Please note that can be used to duplicate and existing row very easily.

In this example we create a table with 6 cells. In the second row the first two cells are merged. var tab, row, cell : TParagraph; begin WPRichText1.Clear; // Table tab := WPRichText1.BodyText.AppendTable; // Row #1 row := tab.AppendNewRow(); cell := row.AppendNewCell(); cell.ASet(WPAT_BorderFlags,15); cell := cell.AppendNewCell(); cell.ASet(WPAT_BorderFlags,15); cell := cell.AppendNewCell(); cell.ASet(WPAT_BorderFlags,15); // Row #2 row := tab.AppendNewRow(); cell := row.AppendNewCell(false, 2); // 2 columns col span (Requires WPTools 9) cell.ASet(WPAT_BorderFlags,15); cell := cell.AppendNewCell(false, 1); // 1 column, but append after last spanned cell cell.ASet(WPAT_BorderFlags,15); WPRichText1.ReformatAll(); end;
Here we create header and footer rows. var wp : TWPCustomRTFEdit; table, row, cell : TParagraph; c, r : Integer;
begin wp:=WPRichText1; table:=wp.ActiveText.AppendTable(nil, nil); // Header row:=table.AppendNewRow(false); row.IncludeProp(paprIsHeader); for c:=0 to 3 do begin cell:=row.AppendNewCell(false); cell.SetText(Format('Header %d', [c])); end; // Data - 1000 rows row:=nil; for r:=1 to 1000 do begin row:=table.AppendNewRow(false);
for c:=0 to 3 do begin cell:=row.AppendNewCell(false); cell.SetText(Format('%d Data A %d', [r, c])); if c<3 then cell.IncludeProp(paprRowMergeFirst); if (r and 1)=1 then cell.ASetColor(WPAT_BGColor, clGray); end; row:=table.AppendNewRow(false); for c:=0 to 3 do begin cell:=row.AppendNewCell(false); if c<3 then cell.IncludeProp(paprRowMerge) else cell.SetText(Format('Data B %d', [c])); if (r and 1)=1 then cell.ASetColor(WPAT_BGColor, clGray); end; end;
// Footer at the very end row:=table.AppendNewRow(false); for c:=0 to 3 do begin cell:=row.AppendNewCell(false); cell.SetText(Format('Footer %d', [c])); end;
wp.ReformatAll(false, true); end;