Function TParagraph.FixAllRightCellWidths(AdjustByPercent:Boolean; TableDefWidth:Integer; ConvertToPercent:Boolean) : Integer

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph


  • AdjustByPercent:Boolean
  • TableDefWidth:Integer
  • ConvertToPercent:Boolean


The type of the result value is Integer.


This function makes sure the most right column in each row has the correct width to match the table width. This function requires that all cells use absolute widths, for example assigned by FixAllCellWidths. The result value is either 0 or the amount the current table box width is too small. If the optional parameter AdjustByPercent is set to TRUE the width will be recalculated using the correct percentage values. This feature is available in the editor if the table is resized while the CTRL key is pressed. TableDefWidth should be passed as 0. When ConvertToPercent is passed as TRUE all WPAT_ColWidth will be replaced by WPAT_ColWidth_PC