Function TParagraph.GetChildrenAsList : TWPParagraphList

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph


The type of the result value is TWPParagraphList.


This procedure creates a TWPParagraphList instance and moves all children paragraphs to this list. This procedure can be used to sort rows in a table. With the children (row) paragraphs can be restored.
Example - sort the rows in a table: function RowCompare(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; begin Result:=TParagraph(Item1).ColFirst.ComparePar( TParagraph(Item2).ColFirst); end;
procedure TForm1.SortCurrentTable; var list : TWPParagraphList; aTable : TParagraph; begin aTable:=WPRichText1.Table; if aTable<>nil then begin list:=aTable.GetChildrenAsList; list.Sort(RowCompare); aTable.SetChildrenFromList(list); list.Free; end; end;