Function TParagraph.GridActivate(gridname:string; DefaultRowHeight:Integer; MaxDatarowCount:Integer) : Boolean

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph


  • gridname:string
  • DefaultRowHeight:Integer
  • MaxDatarowCount:Integer


The type of the result value is Boolean.


Converts this table object into a dynamic table object.
The table row groups, header, footer and max MaxDatarowCount data rows are copied to the TemplatePar list. This makes it possible to recreate the table any time with injected data. The fieldnames are retrieved from the data row or header cell name.
The DefaultRowHeight is used for all rows, including the header and footer. It must be provided since the GridMode requires that the row height is known.
note: The TWPDataSetAbstractAdapter can also provide styles for the newly created headers, rows and cells.