Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.FixFontsOfText(RelacementFonts:; Charset:Integer) : Integer

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


  • RelacementFonts
  • Charset:Integer


The type of the result value is Integer.


Checks all characters in the text wether the characters are defined in the respective font. If not, a replacement font of the provided list "RelacementFonts" is assigned. Optionally also a fixed character set number "Charset" can be assigned to the unknown characters. Returns the count of characters which could not be fixed or -1 in case of an error. Example: WPRichText1.FixFontsOfText(['Cambria Math', 'SimSun', 'MS Gothic'], 0);