Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputTextbox(InitString:AnsiString; w:Integer; h:Integer; activate:Boolean; relx:Integer; rely:Integer) : TWPTextObj

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


  • InitString:AnsiString
  • w:Integer
  • h:Integer
  • activate:Boolean
  • relx:Integer
  • rely:Integer


The type of the result value is TWPTextObj.


Supported by WPTools Premium only:
Creates a textbox, optionally add text, i.e. in HTML format. You can also optionally set the relative x and y position in twips.
To make the trext box editable, You need this code in OnTextObjClick: if obj>nil then obj.Edit;
Use WPRichText1.ExitEditor to make sure the cursor is not inside a text box before you call InputTextbox.
if WPRichText1.ActiveText.Kind in[ wpIsFootnote, wpIsOwnerSelected ] then WPRichText1.ExitEditor;

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputTextbox(rtfdata:TWPRTFDataBlock; w:Integer; h:Integer; relx:Integer; rely:Integer) : TWPTextObj