GetPageAsMetafile Method

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int GetPageAsMetafile(int PageNr,int Options);


Creates a meta file from a certain page and returns the handle.

To create a file use SavePageAsMetafile.



PageNr :        The number of the page to be saved. The first is 0.

Options:        a bit field:

4: display a frame for the page margins

8: optimized for PDF export. We recommend to always set this bit!

16: also print selection marker

32: do not print watermarks

64: do not print header and footer

128: do not print images

256: print table grid lines.

512: Export embedded meta-files as bitmaps


The handle to an enhanced metafile. If an error happens the return value is 0. The handle must be freed by the caller.


This C# function can be used to load a metafile from a handle into picture box:


private void LoadInImage(System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox PictureBox, int MetaHandle)


 if (MetaHandle!=0)


  Metafile aMetafile=new Metafile(new IntPtr(MetaHandle), true);

  PictureBox.Image = aMetafile;

  PictureBox.SizeMode =  PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;


 else PictureBox.Image = null;



You can use it in code like this:






Load and Save

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