GetXY Method

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Retrieves different X,Y positions from the editor


void GetXY([In] int Mode, [In, Out] ref int X, [In, Out] ref int Y);


You can use this method to receive different coordinate values. Mode selects the property to read:

0: X and Y are the position of the cursor in editor X,Y coordinates.

1: X and Y are the position of the cursor in client X,Y coordinates.

2: X and Y are the position of the cursor in screen X,Y coordinates.

3: X and Y are the position of the cursor on the page in twips (inch /1440).

4 : X and Y are the baseline of the current paragraph in client coordinates.

5 : X and Y are the baseline of the current paragraph in screen coordinates.

6 : X and Y are the upper left corner of the selected text in screen coordinates.

7 : X and Y are the lower right corner of the selected text in screen coordinates.

8 : X and Y are the upper left corner of editor in screen coordinates.

9 : X and Y are the lower right corner of the editor in screen coordinates.

10: Get horizontal and vertical scroll position. 11: Set horizontal and vertical scroll position. Use value=-1 to not set the X or Y scrolling.

12: X and Y are the width and height of the virtual desktop inside the editor.

13: X and Y are the width and height of the text.

14: X and Y are physical margin used by the current printer. (PrintXOffset, PrintYOffset)

15: X and Y are the current logical horizontal and vertical resolution used by the rendering engine. (CurrentXPixelsPerInch, CurrentYPixelsPerInch)

16: X and Y are the current mouse cursor position.


Coordinate Conversion

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