SetIProp Method

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This function sets properties of the editor.


int SetIProp([In] int ID, [In] int Value);


Using an ID and a property value certaion properties can be read and set. If the property value is -1 the current value will be read but no new value will be set.

This IDs are defined:

0: not used

1: Set TextCursor. (Param = enum MemoCursor)

2: Set hyperlink cursor. (Param = enum MemoCursor)

3: Set cursor for text objects (Param = enum MemoCursor)




// This code sets the cursor used for hyperlinks:





4: Change spell check strategie:

0= CheckInInit, -  Words are checked when the paragraph is initialized. The complete text is checked after loading

1= CheckInPaint - (default)  Words are checked before a paragraph is painted.

2= CheckInInitAndPaint - check whole text first



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