SVG methods of TWPImageList

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SVG methods of TWPImageList


function LoadSVGFromStream( Stream : TStream; Compressed : Boolean ; ColCount, RowCount : Integer ) : Boolean;


This function creates an internal SVGRender class and loads the SVG data.


You need to provide the count of rows and columns of single glyphs the SVG image represents.


function LoadSVGFromResource( ResourceName : String; Compressed : Boolean; ColCount, RowCount : Integer ) : Boolean;


This works like LoadSVGFromStream but it locates the data from the application resources.

The resource can be compressed which reduces the data size and also a lot


Sample code to compress:


var mem,mem2 : TMemoryStream;

  c : TZCompressionStream;


 mem := TMemoryStream.Create;

 mem2 := TMemoryStream.Create;


 mem.LoadFromFile( source_data_file );

 mem.Position := 0;

 c := TZCompressionStream.Create(mem2);

 c.CopyFrom(mem, mem.Size);


 mem2.SaveToFile( destinatein_data_file );





To create a RES file which can be easily added to a project using {$R SOMENAME.RES} you need to create a RC file first, i.e. SOMENAME.RC




and compile it using


brcc32.exe SOMENAME.RC


procedure SVGAddParamOverride( idname, param, value : string );



This method changes how certain elements in the SVG are rendered. All elements which use a id-name which start with the provided idname will use the parameter and the value provided here, i.e.


SVGAddParamOverride( 'car', 'fill', 'red' )


will make sure the object with id="car" will be filled in red instead of any color or shading the originally was selected.


Parameter names which make sense here

'fill', 'stroke', 'fill-opacity', 'stroke-opacity', 'line-width'


To clear the list of overrides call


SVGAddParamOverride( '', '', '' )


If you use our product WPSvgPRO more options can be used.