Add all buttons to the tool bar

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Add all buttons to the tool bar

The buttons are created on the TToolbar at runtime. A list of action names is used select the actions to be used.

The position of the action in the list is expected to be the image index in the TImageList.


This is the list of actions:


const  _ActionButtons ='FileOpen,FileAppend,FileSaveAsPDF,SelectStd,SelectObjects,ZoomToRect,SelectText,' +

 'SelectFillForm,DrawFieldEdit,DrawFieldCheck,DrawAnnotFrame,DrawAnnotHighlight,DrawAnnotFreetext,' +

 'DrawAnnotSymbol,DrawAnnotSquiggly,DrawAnnotHighlightText,DrawAnnotBlackText,' +




We also a TImageList with the buttons.


We use this glyphs:


Note: WPViewPDf Standard does not support the creation of fields, checkboxes and popups. The other annotations and draw objects can be created and printed, but it is not possible to save them.


The procedure InitToolbar creates all buttons. It expects the actions to use the prefix act in their names.


procedure TForm2.InitToolbar;

 var NotFound : String;

   function Find(aName : String ) :  TAction;

   var i : Integer;


       for i := 0 to ActionList1.ActionCount-1 do

       if SameStr( ActionList1.Actions[i].Name, 'act' + aName) then


          Result := ActionList1.Actions[i] as TAction;



       Result := nil;

       if NotFound<>'' then NotFound := NotFound + ', ';

       NotFound := NotFound  + aName;


   var str : TStringList; i : Integer; btn :TToolButton;

       action : TAction;


  str := TStringList.Create;

  NotFound := '';


    str.Sorted := false;

    str.CommaText := _ActionButtons;


    ToolBar1.Images := ImageList1;

    ToolBar1.ButtonHeight := ToolBar1.Images.Width;

    ToolBar1.ButtonWidth := ToolBar1.Images.Height;

    ToolBar1.Height := ToolBar1.ButtonHeight + 4;


    // create all buttons from our action list

    for I := str.Count-1 downto 0 do


        action := Find(str[i]);

        if action<>nil then


            btn := TToolButton.Create(ToolBar1);

            btn.ShowHint := true;

            btn.Width := ToolBar1.Images.Width;

            btn.Height := ToolBar1.Images.Height;

            btn.Parent := ToolBar1;


            action.ImageIndex := i;

            btn.ImageIndex := i;

            btn.Action := action;




    // For debug reasons

    if NotFound<>'' then

       ShowMessage('This WPViewPDF actions were not found' + #13 + NotFound);



