Distribution - which DLLs are required?

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Distribution - which DLLs are required?

You may distribute the WPViewPDF4 runtime with Your application if all developers who were working (anywhere) on the project have a license for WPViewPDF 5. If your application is modular and only a few persons work on the PDF viewing part, you still need license for all the developers to have the right to include our component with your application.


To distribute You need to copy this 2 DLLs to the directory of Your application EXE:


wPDFView05.DLL, alternatively, wPDFViewPlus05.DLL


and wp_type1ttf.dll  +wpdecodejp.dll.


The DLL wp_type1ttf.dll is required, if it is missing, WPViewPDF 5 runs slower and not in best quality.


For 64bit you need the DLLs wp_type1ttf64.dll, wpdecodejp64.dll and wPDFView...05x64.


You need to provide your licenses codes to the component using ViewerStart, or, if You use Delphi, use a proper PDFLicenses.INC file. (Setup creates one for You)


You must not provide anybody with your licenses code or distribute any other included files.


Note: WPViewPDF includes JBIG2 decoding implemented in the module wpdecodejp.dll and, for 64 bit, wpdecodejp64.dll.