FindText method

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FindText method


function FindText(Text: string; HighLight, FindNext: Boolean; CaseInsensitive: Boolean = false; DontGoToPage: Boolean = false): Boolean;


This function searches text in the loaded PDF file. Please set the parameter HighLight to TRUE to also highlight the found text. Use FindNext=TRUE to continue a search on the following pages. You need to pass the same search string. To switch of the highlighting pass an empty search text. Please note: The search function does not check spaces.

This functions is implemented like this:

function TWPViewPDF.FindText(

    Text: string

    HighLight, FindNext: Boolean;

    CaseInsensitive: Boolean = false ; 

    DontGoToPage: Boolean = false ): Integer;


  CommandEx(COMPDF_FindGotoPage, Integer(DontGoToPage));

  CommandEx(COMPDF_FindCaseInsitive, Integer(CaseInsensitive));


  // If we search case insensitive we simply search 2 versions of the same string

  // This allows the support of charsets

  if CaseInsensitive then


    CommandStr(COMPDF_FindAltText, AnsiUpperCase(Text));

    Text := AnsiLowerCase(Text);



  if FindNext then

    Result := CommandStr(COMPDF_FindNext, Text)  // Next


    Result := CommandStr(COMPDF_FindText, Text); // First


  if HighLight then

    CommandStr(COMPDF_HighlightText, Text);



It is also possible to create an highlight annotation which covers the found text. (It is not possible to delete the text)

This requires WPViewPDF PLUS.


procedure TForm1.FindtextAndAddHighlightAnnotClick(Sender: TObject);

var s : string;

    b : Boolean;

    page, x,y,w,h : Integer;


   s := '';

  b := false;

  if (pdf<>niland InputQuery('Red Text', '', s) then





       while pdf.FindText(s, false, b, true)>=0 do


          b := true;

          page := pdf.command(COMPDF_FindGetXYWH, 10);

          if page>=0 then


              x := pdf.command(COMPDF_FindGetXYWH, 11);

              y := pdf.command(COMPDF_FindGetXYWH, 12);

              w := pdf.command(COMPDF_FindGetXYWH, 13);

              h := pdf.command(COMPDF_FindGetXYWH, 14);


              pdf.AddHighlightRect(page, x,y,w,h, clRed, [wpAsAnnot,wpAnnotAtFoundText]);


          else break;



       pdf.command(COMPDF_ENDUPDATE, 2);


