GetPageText method

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GetPageText method



function GetPageText(PageNo: Integer; format: string = ''): string;


This function retrieves the text of a certain text as an ANSI string.

PageNo is 0 based.

You can specify the format You need:

"ANSI" - Ansitext

"HTML" - HTML with CSS styles

"XYHTM" or "XYHTML" - HTML with CSS styles - each characters will be placed directly using absolute CSS positions. Pages are separated by <page/> - since this not supported by HTML reader, it is best to export the text page by page - otherwise you will see overprinted text.

Use command COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions (=272) to modify the extracted text:

Set bit 2 if you need y position written as text baseline position (=default) or clear bit 2 to save the top position


"XML" - simplified XML code. The text is exported encoded into UTF8 format. <?xml...> tags are suppressed, to make it easier to append the text.

The following tags are used:

 <table>, <tr>, <td> are used to separate tables from the text

 <page units="pt" n="pagenumber 0..x" w="width" h="height"> </page> encloses one page

 <text ff="fontface" fs="fontsize" x="xpos" y="ypos" fc="fontcolor"> </text> encloses text

    i="1" will be written for italic text, b="1" will be used for bold text.

 The engine will combine consecutive characters into one <text> tag encoded to UTF8.

"RTF" - RTF code

The method is implemented like this:

function TWPViewPDF.GetPageText(PageNo: Integer; format: string = ''):AnsiString;


  len: Integer;


  len := CommandStrEx(COMPDF_GetTextLenformat, PageNo);

  SetLength(Result, len);

  if len > 0 then

    CommandEx(COMPDF_GetTextBuf, Cardinal(PAnsiChar(Result)));



It is possible to limit the area where the text is extracted by specifying a rectangle, x,y,x1,y1.

Please note that the values are measured in 72dpi and are not using any rotation which may be applied to the PDF page.

 pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions, 4+2); // Activate the filter

 pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectX, x );  // Left and Top Values

 pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectY, y );

 pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectX1, x1 );  // Right and Bottom values

 pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRecty1, y1 );


Don't forget to call pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions, 2) to deactivate the filter when you are done.



// event handler for OnSelRect

procedure TForm1.SelRectEventToDrawrectangleandextracttext(Sender: TObject; const PageNr: Integer; R: TRect);

var WPViewPDF : TWPViewPDF;

    s : string;


    WPViewPDF:= (Sender as TWPViewPDF);

    WPViewPDF.OnSelRectEvent := nil;


        WPViewPDF.command(COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions, 4+2); // Activate the filter

        WPViewPDF.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectX , r.Left );

        WPViewPDF.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectY , r.Top );

        WPViewPDF.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectX1, r.Right );

        WPViewPDF.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRecty1, r.Bottom );

        s := WPViewPDF.GetPageText(PageNr);

        // WPViewPDF.AddHighlightRect(0, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height , 255, [] );

        ShowMessage( s );   // 1...


        WPViewPDF.command(COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions, 2); // DE-Activate the filter




// on button click ....

procedure TForm1.Drawrectangleandextracttext_Click(Sender: TObject);


  if pdf<>nil then


    pdf.OnSelRectEvent := SelRectEventToDrawrectangleandextracttext;

    pdf.CommandEx(COMPDF_SelectMode, 2); // let the user draw ...

