Parameters for the inbuild actions

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Parameters for the inbuild actions


Depending on the action one or more of the following parameters can be passed as comma separated list:


Color  - a color name or #code. The main color, usually the outline.

Brush-Color  - the background color

Line-Color  - the line color

Line-Width - the line width in pt

Font-Size  - the font size in pt

Font-Color  - the font color

Font - the font name

Alpha    - a value between 1 and 255

Type - the annotation type. This parameter can only be used with the action   'DrawAnnotAny'.

 Possible values for "Type" are:











   if actionname='DrawAnnotHighlight' then

            s := 'color=blue,Alpha=50';



But please note - the actions use default colors which can be modified.


So it is possible to modify the current color for the next rectangle to be drawn using the command COMPDF_Ann_ModifyAddProps.


This is the better way to modify t6he behaviour of the inbuilt actions.