PDF-Forms (AcroForms)

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PDF-Forms (AcroForms)

WPViewPDF can be used to fill PDF forms. It supports a subset of the available checkbox appearances and text field types. (Active scripting, lists, combos and radio buttons are not yet supported.)


When in form filling mode the user can use TAB to move to the next field and Ctrl+Tab to move to the previous. Space can be used to toggle a checkbox. The active widget is highlighted:




This checkbox types are supported:




To activate form filling mode the editor must use this code in its setup:


      // Make sure the annotations work interactively!

      wpviewpdf.Command(COMPDF_ACRO_MAKEDRAWOBJ,'', 8192 );  // 0=all Annots!


      // Enables saving of annotations which have been added to the page (WPViewPDF PLUS)

      wpviewpdf.Command(COMPDF_Ann_SetAnnotSaveMode, 1);



The form filling mode is activated by the action:


fillform_action Execute the action "SelectStdFillForm"



The command COMPDF_FORMFILLOPTIONS (556) can be used to customize the form filling mode. It also use to activate the new functionality to use the JavaScript actions stored with an annotation to detect date and number fields.


Please use COMPDF_FORMFILLOPTIONS with a bitfield:


1: activate the annotation actions

2: disable the use of TAB to move to next annotation

4: do not highlight  the focussed annotation

8: use date masks for date fields (uses bit 1 as well). Such fields use AFDate_KeystrokeEx in their action.

16: use number masks for number fields (uses bit 1 as well). Such fields use AFNumber_Keystroke.

32: use special masks for fields which use the AF (uses bit 1 as well). Activated by AFSpecial_Keystroke.


the command COMPDF_SetAnnotEditModes (555) can be used to modify the TAB key works when in formular mode:

1: in formular mode skip readonly edit fields

2: keep creation order when tabbing through objects




Please note:

Currently form editing is not supported on forms which are rotated or of fields which are rotated. (MK /F property)