Visual Basic MDI Demo .Net 2.0

  • The manual goes through a MDI demo the code for which is in the C:\Program Files\TextDynamic\Demos\NET2\VB\TextDynamicWords directory. It has some German language in the menus and is not quite complete. I also had some errors running in initially - minor only.

    I have changed menus to English language and completed the functionality of all the buttons and menus. Download at and I hope this helps newish users like me.

    ? small error in .pdf manual page 52


    If Not WpdllInt1 Is Nothing Then
    Dim memo As WPDynamic.IWPMemo
    memo = ChildForm.WpdllInt1.Memo
    If Not memo.SaveToFile(FileName, False, "AUTO") Then
    MessageBox.Show("Cannot write " + FileName)
    End If
    End If

    should be

    If Not WpdllInt1 Is Nothing Then
    Dim memo As WPDynamic.IWPMemo
    memo = WpdllInt1.Memo
    If Not memo.SaveToFile(FileName, False, "AUTO") Then
    MessageBox.Show("Cannot write " + FileName)
    End If
    End If

    i.e. no Childform as generates error

