Modified and RTFDataAppendTo Questions

  • I have two questions:

    There are some actions that do not change the Modified flag. For example: changing IsHeaderRow, some of the wpaExec commands, TextCursor.TableDelete are some of the ones I have found. Currently I am just issuing a CurrMemo.Modified = True after the actions that I find this issue for. Is there a better way to be handling this

    Can you elaborate on the difference between RTFDataAppendTo and AppendOtherText? The help shows the use of RTFDataAppendTo in the Labels example and AppendOtherText in a MailMerge example. Is one more “efficient” than the other? Should one be used in place of another for any reason?

    I use the TextDynamic OCX in a VB6 application.

    Thank you

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    Only the actions which check for readonly text change
    "modified". This is all user input.

    If you execute some of the API please set the modified


    AppendOtherText is the automatic version. It is used by
    "Memo" to be used in editor #1 or Editor#2.

    The RTFDataAppendTo does similar stuff, but has less
    features. AppendOtherText can also create sections.

    AppendOtherText is usedful for MailMerge, RTFDataAppendTo is
    used for multi document applications. (the label demo uses
    the tabset to switch between several letters)