Automatic reprint of a heading on a page break?

  • During assembly of a WPRichText, based on several other WPRichTexts including mailmerge, we include headings for each new section, but if the section does a page eject in the middle of the section, is there an easy way to repeat the heading to start the next page? For example...

    A. Sample section heading
    blah blah blah
    <page break>
    A. Sample section heading (continued)
    blah blah blah

    We know what we last used for the heading, but not sure how to insert the heading again when a page break occurs... much of the assembly is done during a mailmerge. We already use headers/footers for other things, so I don't think I can incorporate that approach very easily... I could be wrong about that though.

    Before I spend a lot of time on this, thought I'd post this to see if anyone has some pointers for me to look at that might save time.

    Thanks for any ideas!