• Hi again,

    i have:
    a TDBWPRichText
    a TWPMMDataProvider connected to the TDBWPRichText

    when i set the TWPMMDataProvider.DataSource, the DataSet of the TDBWPRichText goes into edit-mode. How do i prevent this from happening? I want to change between showing the fieldnames and showing the merged data without going into editmode.


  • Thanks Julian,

    i thought of doing it this way but i want to avoid another big wp-component ;-)

    what do you think of this solution:
    when creating the components i set

    WPMMDataProvider.AutoLoadData   := False;

    before switching between fields and merged data i do:

    WPMMDataProvider.AutoLoadData := (DataSource.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]);

    meaning that when the user edited something or went into edit-mode with the navigator, he will see correct merged data.

    Would this be nonsense in your wp-perspective or is it a *legal* use of your component?

    Best wishes,