Incorrect page size

  • Hi Julian and others,

    First, I should mention that we're using wPdf Pro 2.10 with Delphi 7.

    I have noticed something very strange. When a PDF file is created, there is some strange nesting that is causing the page to be resized when being post-processed by a 3rd-party PDF tool .

    For example, a PDF file contains a single page that was created with the following code...

    WPDF_Start('remove','removed');  with WpPdfPrinter do begin    CanvasReference := wprefPrinter;    Modes := [];    Filename := 'c:\output-wpdf-test.pdf';    BeginDoc;    StartPage(612,792,72,72,0);    Canvas.TextOut(50, 50, 'Hello world!');    EndPage;    EndDoc;  end;

    I noticed the following in the PDF file...

    As you can see, the PDF file indicates there is a 576x800 (8"x11.11") page that encloses the real page which is 612x792 (8.5"x11"). As a result, postprocessing the PDF causes it to be resized to the outer page size.

    For some reason, Acrobat 5.x and earlier ignored the 576x800 page and displayed the PDF as intended. Version 6.x of Acrobat uses the 576x800 page as the page size and that's causing serious problems.

    What's up with the 576x800 page? Can you suggest a way to get rid of it or release a version that doesn't include it?
