
  • The property HeaderFooterColor seems to be a property that was in TWPPDFExport , but seems not to be in the TWPPDFPrinter component.

    Can the functionality still be achieved somehow?

    By the way, this may be an academic question. I would set HeaderFooterColor to clNone, so that whatever I passed the header or footer was honored, and didn't have its color changed by the export. Is that the way the TWPDFPrinter component works naturally - as though the non-existent HeaderFooterColor property were set to clNone?


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    HeaderFooterColor has to be now coded into the RTF-Engine. Currently 'gray' is supported, as a flag in the PaintMode.

    >>By the way, this may be an academic question. I would set HeaderFooterColor to clNone, so that whatever I passed the header or footer was honored, and didn't have its color changed by the export. Is that the way the TWPDFPrinter component works naturally - as though the non-existent HeaderFooterColor property were set to clNone? <<

    This is the normal behavior. Doesn't it work this way altready?


  • Sir Julian,

    >>This is the normal behavior. Doesn't it work this way already?

    I'm sure it does, I just haven't gotten my main application fully ported to the point where I can produce an executable...:)
