• Hello

    I'm working now with WPTools 7, the problem was in WPTools 5 also.

    I have to print tables, with different sum-rows and I optimize the place between the columns. Because of that I have since many years a own algorithm with word wrapping.

    All I need is a accurate text with.

    I have a cell or a paragraph, and the Font is set
    Now I want to know the textwith in twips.
    The only way I found was:

    mywidth := MulDiv(MyRichText.Canvas.TextWidth(s),1440,Screen.PixelsPerInch); //Twips;

    But than I have differences from 39% [/] to 20% [%] to my own measures. A normal C has 10% difference.

    I have tested with 40times a charater in a string, something like CCCC....CCCC (40ty C's).

    I cannot format the whole text, to caluclate one value.
    Is the anywhere a correct with, if I format only my paragraph/cell?

    Thanks for any help.


  • Zitat von wpsupport

    The paragraphs have an Array CharPos - that contains w elements which represent the width in Pixels measured in render resolution - Memo.CurrentXPixelsPerInch.

    I need the width before I put the text to the document.
    I can't format the whole document after each piece of text.

    Therefor I have a format Paragraph:

    cha := FWorkItem.rtf.AttrHelper;    cha.Clear;    cha.SetFontName('Arial');    cha.SetFontSize(8);    FWorkItem.formatPar := FWorkItem.rtf.ActiveText.AppendNewPar;    FWorkItem.formatPar.SetText('<undef>',cha.CharAttr);

    I use this to cut the text, in the place cw calculated before:

    FWorkItem.formatPar.setText(s);  w := 0; i:=1;  while (w<cw) and (i <= length(s)) do    begin    w := w + FWorkItem.formatPar.CharPos[i-1].width;  //(1)    i := i + 1;    end;  Result := Copy(s,1,i-1);

    After all I delete the Paragraph:


    The problem is now: CharPos is empty LOW(CharPos) = 0, High(CharPos) = -1 and a GeneralProtectionFault in (1).

    Thanks for your help.

    Best Regards Andreas

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    To know the width before you put text into the document you can only use Canvas.TextWidth. WPTools is using a resolution of 600 by Standard, but using the FormatOptions you can select screen resolution, too.
    But I doubt the result will be a stable solution, just an estimation.

    You could work with 2 TWPRichText and use one to put in all your text and initialize (define CharPos) and format it. Then you can measure the text there and enter it to the other.


    I have to print tables, with different sum-rows and I optimize the place between the columns. Because of that I have since many years a own algorithm with word wrapping.

    You know that wptools supports footer rows? The footer rows can contain a text object which can be used to display the result of a calculation.

    Instead of deleting the paragraph I would delete the characters which do not fit, TParagraph has methods for this. Deleting a paragraph in a table could delete the cell.

  • Hello Julian,

    I changed my approach to use your format information. I work now with table and columns. I have set the columns that there is no line break, and everthing is disiplayed in one line.

    I believe I work in pts (1/1440 inch)

    But the results are crazy:

    First a picture:
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.autopoll.de/files/wptools.jpg]

    a=1014 is my internal size of the column, if I add all these values for the columns I have exakt the place between left and right margin. Therfore, that's ok.

    After showing the editor, I have for test purposal, a doubleclick event, than I search recursivly for the cell/paragraph and have a look.

    procedure TtgBaseWPReport.FindPar(par:TParagraph);...begin  while par <> nil do    begin    s := par.GetText();    b := par.TextAreaWidth; //Soll-Breite, der Zelle, Section oder Zeile    c := 0;    for i:=1 to length(s) do      c := c + par.CharPos[i-1].Width;    if c > b then      ...    FindPar(par.ChildPar);    par := par.NextPar;    end;end;

    b = 931 is the textwidth of the cell, ok a little bit smaller than a, because of margin, border or padding.

    but c = 542 can't be true. Because you can see in the picture, the text is to long.

    I have tried to work with a resolution of 600, your wrote in your last reply.

    c := c + Round(par.CharPos[i-1].Width * (1400/600))

    But then also c is to large.

    How can I calculate c?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I tested that so:

    c := 0;
    for i := 0 to WPRichText1.ActivePar.CharCount-1 do
    c := c + WPRichText1.ActivePar.CharPos[i].Width;
    ShowMessage( Format('%d pts', [ MulDiv(c , 1440, WPRichText1.Memo.CurrentXPixelsPerInch )] ));

    When the text is initialized this should work. I would continue with this with support mail - it does not fit into this forum.