• Using WpTools 7.20, Delphi 2010.
    I know I *used* to be able top copy/paste .png and .jpg images, but I no longer seem to be able to do that.
    I HAVE pngimage enabled in wpinc.inc and graphicEx undefined.
    .bmp files are working just fine.

    any idea what I am missing?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The easiest would be to place a breakpoint in PasteFromClipboard, unit WPCtrMemo.pas and check out what happens.

    If you can drag&drop PNG images the support has been linked.

    It also makes a difference how you copy the image, from Word or from a photo program? From inside WPTools?

  • when adding the breakpoint, it's skipped because it's not passing the bmp format check.
    This condition :

    else if not(wpcoDontPasteGraphics in FClipboardOptions) and
          (not load and (ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_METAFILEPICT) or
          ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_ENHMETAFILE) or ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_BITMAP) or
          ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_PICTURE))) then

    is returning false.
    As for how it's being copied, sometimes it from windows snipping tools, sometimes, it's doing a copy/paste from a file on the system.