Unresolved External in programs after upgrading to wpdf 2

  • After upgrading to wpdf2, when I try to compile my programs, I get the following error:

    [Linker Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Wppdfr1::TWPCustomPDFExport::SetFilename(System::AnsiString)' referenced from C:\PROJECTS\BUILDERADIUS\BLUEREPORT\RESULTSFORM.OBJ

    I do not actually reference any "setfilename" function in that form. Perhaps this is an error in the WPPDFFR1.HPP file, where the SetFileName function takes an AnsiString, and, in WPPDFFR1.PAS, SetFileName takes a TFileName? Or...? At any rate, it won't work, and I want to use wpdf2 instead of the old wpdf 1!

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    wPDF comes with all the source for the VCL part. Please make sure you open the package and do a buil all. Under no circumstances should be other units of older versions in the search path. (maybe a localy defined in the propject)

    Usually it is best to install a new version over the old one.

    Julian Ziersch