Procedure TWPCustomRtfEdit.TextObjectsGetList(list:TWPTextObjList; ObjTypes:TWPTextObjTypes; FromAllBlock:Boolean)

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit



General method to fill a list with references to certain objects (TWPTextObj class). You can pass the type of the objects, for example wpobjTextObj. i : Integer; aList : TWPTextObjList ; begin aList := TWPTextObjList.Create; WPRichText1.TextObjectsGetList(aList, wpobjHyperlink, false); for i := 0 to aList.Count-1 do begin if Pos('mailto:', aList.Items[i].Source)>0 then ShowMessage('We have a mail to'); end; aList.Free;

Overloaded Methods

Procedure TWPCustomRtfEdit.TextObjectsGetList(list:TWPTextObjList; ObjTyp:TWPTextObjType; FromAllBlock:Boolean)