
System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TComponent | WPXMLint.TWPCustomXMLInterface | WPXMLint.TWPCustomXMLTree | TWPSVGXMLTree

Description for Class TWPCustomXMLTree

This class is based on TWPCustomXMLInterface. I allocates an intern tree to hold all the data of the XML file. It was designed to hold also XML alike code such as HTML. It supports methods to find and replaces XML nodes, to save a node and to delete nodes. It even supports search in the text and xml params. The unit WPXmlEditor contains a valuable editor which manipulates the data stored in the XML tree.


Used or referenced by

-Function TWPXMLOneLevel.CopyTree(NewParent:TWPCustomXMLTree) : TWPXMLOneLevel
-Function TWPXMLOneLevel.CopyTree(NewParent:TWPCustomXMLTree) : TWPXMLOneLevel
-Constructor TWPSvgStack.Create(SVGXML:TWPSVGXMLTree; aBoundsRect:TRectF)