Class TWPCharAttrStack


System.TObject | TWPCharAttrStack


This class can host a stack of TWPCharAttr record. The current record is always accessible as element 'ca' (which is not a property but a regular variable).
Using Push you can create a copy on the stack before you change 'ca', Pop will restore the value. 'Clear' will erase the values in 'ca' and the complete stack.
property 'Used' reflects wether the stack has an element or if the property Used was ever set to true since the last 'clear' command.


Property Used : Boolean


Used or referenced by

-Procedure TWPRTFEnginePaint.SetCanvasAttr(par:TParagraph; pos_in_par:Integer; aCanvas:TCanvas; ChooseHotStyle:Boolean; Printing:Boolean; CanvasExtraParams:TWPPaintExtraParams; BaseCA:TWPCharAttrStack; DontCheckObjects:Boolean; CheckOnlyThisObject:Boolean; cw:Char)