Class TWPParPopupObj


System.TObject | WPRTEDefs.TCustomParagraphObj | TWPParPopupObj


TWPParPopupObj can be used to show a toolbutton near a paragraph or table. For this simply a reference to a panel is provided which host the button. (See demo TableTools) var par : TParagraph; obj : TWPParPopupObj; begin par := WPRichText1.FirstPar; while par<>nil do begin par.ParagraphObjClear; if par.ParagraphType=wpIsTable then begin obj := TWPParPopupObj.Create( WPPAROBJ_PopupObjTyp ); obj.Position := wrmBottomRight; obj.Width := +Panel2.Width; // - for wrmLeft ! obj.Height := Panel2.Height; obj.aControl := Panel2; par.ParagraphObjAdd( obj ); end; par := par.NextPar; end; end;



Used or referenced by

-Function TWPBand.CreateCopy : TCustomParagraphObj
-Function TWPBand.CreateCopy : TCustomParagraphObj