Class TWPSetModeControl


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | TWPSetModeControl


Interface to the 'current' character and paragraph attributes. You can use the provided properties to modify character and paragraph attributes.
@depreciated This interface is provided for compatibility to WPTools Version 4 and earlier. This property hides one of the best features of WPTools 5: all properties have a null state but its source (unit WPCtrRich.PAS) is a good example how the properties of the text can be retrieved and changed. The interface is easy to use and will so be supported in future version of WPTools, too. It will not be supported in a pure OCX or .NET version of WPTools though.
Please note that the class TWPSetModeControl only works as a interface to the text manahed by the "RTF-Engine". It cannot be used to store properties. Please use the property WPCSS to get a string with property definitions if you need to store and transfer properties.
Upgrade notes: The properties "Tabs" and "BorderProp" are not anymore defined.
The property MultSpaceBetween is not used anymore. In WPTools 5 a paragraph can have either a LineHeight defined in % or the SpaceBetween value as a positive (=minimum) or negative (=exact) twips value.
Size is now a floating point value (type: single)



Used or referenced by

-Property TWPCustomRichText.CurrAttr : TWPSetModeControl