Class TWPShadedForm


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TComponent | Vcl.Controls.TControl | Vcl.Controls.TWinControl | Vcl.Forms.TScrollingWinControl | Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm | Vcl.Forms.TForm | WPUtil.TWPLocalizeForm | TWPShadedForm


WP1Style.TWPOneStyleDefinition | WPBltDlg.TWPBulletDialog | WPDocPropDlg.TWPDocProperties | wpManHeadFoot.TWPManageHeaderFooter | WPNumListDlg.TWPOutlineDefDlg | WpPagPrp.TWPPageProp | WpParBrd2.TWPParagraphBord2 | WPPrvFrm.TWPPreviewForm | WPSearchDlg.TWPFindReplace | Wpspdlg1.TWPSpDialog | WPStrDlg.TWPStringDialog | WPStyles.TWPStyleDefinition | WPSymDlg.TWPSymbolDialog | WPSymDlgEx.TWPSymbolDialogEx | WPTabdlg.TWPTabDialog | WPTBarConfig.TWPToolbarConfiguration | WPTblDlg.TWPTableDialog

Description for Class TWPLocalizeForm

This class implements a TForm with automatic localisation capability. It requires the global variable
to be set to an interface object which supports the
definition. In WPTools 4 the localisation interface was attached through one unit, the WPLocalize unit. This has been changed, now you need to add one line to the project to set the LocalizationInterface in your code. This avoids dependencies between packages. If the global boolean WPLocalizeSaveForms = TRUE all hints and captions will be written to the localisation component after the OnDestroy event was triggered. The variable _DontSaveLanguage can be set to TRUE to avoid the saving. The strings are loaded after OnCreate Inherit the forms from this class to enable the localization capability
