Property TWPCustomRtfEdit.LayoutMode : TWPLayoutMode

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


The active layout mode. If you change it or any of the offset and zoom properties you need to execute ReorderPages or ReformatAll to update the display.
      wplayNormal - Only show the text area without margins - do not paint background color
      wpWordWrapView - Like wplayNormal with wrap to Min(pagewidth,windowwidth)
      wplayShowManualPageBreaks -  Like wplayNormal but show a dashed line for page breakes.
      // If variable Memo._DontShowSoftPageBreak is true the dotted lines is not drawn for soft page breaks
      // Or use wpDontDrawLineForSoftPageBreak in ViewOptionsEx2
      wplayPageGap-  Only show the text area without margins - paint background color between pages
      wplayExtendedPageGap-  Like wplayPageGap but keep left and right margin offsets
      wplayShrunkenLayout -  Show PageLayout without header and footer (shrunk page height!)
      wplayLayout, // Show PageLayout but do not paint header and footer
      wplayFullLayout - Show PageLayout with header and footer
      wpDualPageView- wplayFullLayout and show 2 pages side by side (autozoom to full page!)
         Use flag wpDualPageViewStartsLeft in ViewOptionsEx to show the first page side by side to second.
      wpThumbNailView - wplayFullLayout and adjust the numbers of columns automatically to create a 100*150 thumbnail
Also see properties AutoZoom and Zooming.