Function TWPImageList.SVGMakeBitmap(svg:TStream; w:Integer; h:Integer) : TBitmap

Unit: WPUtil
Class: WPUtil.TWPImageList


  • svg:TStream
  • w:Integer
  • h:Integer


The type of the result value is TBitmap.


This function was added to convert SVG to a bitmap using embedded SVG interpreter.
You have toprovide the size of the result bitmap which will be used as drawing surface. Use this method to check the render quality.

If certain elements are nort rendered as expected, we recomment to export thos elements as images. With Affinity Designer you just need to assign an effect, such as a Shadow, and the element will be rasterized while leaving the original data.

Complictaed text should be converted to curvers.

var img : TWPImageList; bit : TBitmap; mem : TMemoryStream; begin img := TWPImageList.Create(nil); mem := TMemoryStream.Create; bit := nil; try OpenDialog1.Filter := 'SVG Files (*.SVG)|*.SVG'; if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin mem.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); mem.Position := 0; bit := img.SVGMakeBitmap(mem, 800,800); if bit<>nil then WPRichText1.TextObjects.InsertCopy(bit); end; OpenDialog1.Filter := '*.*'; finally bit.Free; img.Free; mem.Free; end; end;