Function TWPRTFEngineEdit.GetParAtXY(X:Integer; Y:Integer; par:TParagraph; posinpar:Integer; XNotImportant:Boolean; FindNextPage:Boolean) : Boolean

Unit: WPRTEEdit
Class: WPRTEEdit.TWPRTFEngineEdit


  • X:Integer
  • Y:Integer
  • par:TParagraph
  • posinpar:Integer
  • XNotImportant:Boolean
  • FindNextPage:Boolean


The type of the result value is Boolean.


Locates the paragraph and the posinpar at a certain screen position. Returns TRUE if a paragraph was found. If parameter XNotImportant = TRUE then the paragraph will be also found if the X position is out of the margin. If FindNextPage = true this function will locate the first paragraph on the next page if the y value is too high.