Function TWPRTFEngineEdit.GetRTFPageAtXY(X:Integer; Y:Integer; PaintPage:Integer; RTFPageNr:Integer; IgnoreX:Boolean) : TWPVirtPage

Unit: WPRTEEdit
Class: WPRTEEdit.TWPRTFEngineEdit


  • X:Integer
  • Y:Integer
  • PaintPage:Integer
  • RTFPageNr:Integer
  • IgnoreX:Boolean


The type of the result value is TWPVirtPage.


Gets the Page Index from the X,Y position which is measured in screen resolution. When the page is found and a RTF page is displayed on this page the X and Y coordinates are updated to coordinates which are relative to the start of that page and measured in the reference resolution for the RTF page. The number of the RTF page is returned. Please do not mix up with GetPageAtXY() which works with 'PaintPages' and twip coordinates. Please remember that the returned TWPVirtPage reference points to a dynamically created object. This page object is recreated from the loaded RTF text each time the text is reformatted.
If the optional parameter IgnoreX = TRUE the X parameter will be ignored and also y margins between pages.