Function TWPRTFEngineEdit.GetRTFPositionAtXY(PaintPageNr:Integer; X:Integer; Y:Integer; aRTFData:TWPRTFDataBlock; par:TParagraph; pos_in_par:Integer; FrameBorder:TWPFrameBorder; TextObject:TWPTextObj; SizerElement:TWPPaintSizerRects; PageHoverLink:TObject; XYAsTwips:Boolean; Modes:TWPRTFPositionAtXYModes) : Boolean

Unit: WPRTEEdit
Class: WPRTEEdit.TWPRTFEngineEdit



The type of the result value is Boolean.


This function searches on a certain virtual page for text under the position x,y (measured in Twips or in the device resolution of the reference device if XYAsTwips=false) and relative to top/left of the page ) X and Y must be an offset value to the start of the page! It also assigns the RTFData object which hosts the found paragraph. It can be a header, footer or footnote buffer!