Function TWPRTFEnginePaint.Draw(outDC:HDC; x:Integer; y:Integer; h:Integer; xres:Integer; yres:Integer; starty:Integer; HandlePageBreaks:Boolean) : Integer

Unit: WPRTEPaint
Class: WPRTEPaint.TWPRTFEnginePaint


  • outDC:HDC
  • x:Integer
  • y:Integer
  • h:Integer
  • xres:Integer
  • yres:Integer
  • starty:Integer
  • HandlePageBreaks:Boolean


The type of the result value is Integer.


Method to paint just a part of the text. It starts with a given y offset and stops when the provided height has been filled. The result value is -1 or the y offset where the next part of the text starts. The coordinate values use the provided resolution. The text will be scaled if required. Optionally the function also stops at a page break. This function ignores header and footer - it only prints the body text!

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPRTFEnginePaint.Draw(outCanvas:TCanvas; x:Integer; y:Integer; h:Integer; xres:Integer; yres:Integer; starty:Integer; HandlePageBreaks:Boolean) : Integer