Function TWPSuperMerge.AddReportGroup(AliasName:string; Mode:TWPAddReportGroupMode; FieldList:TStrings; CallBack:TWPTableAddCellEvent; RowCount:Integer) : TParagraph

Unit: WPRTEReport
Class: WPRTEReport.TWPSuperMerge


  • AliasName:string
  • Mode:TWPAddReportGroupMode
  • FieldList:TStrings
  • CallBack:TWPTableAddCellEvent
  • RowCount:Integer


The type of the result value is TParagraph.


This procedure creates a group at the current location with a data band. Optionally also header and footer bands can be created. The passed string list is used as a list of fieldnames. If the items in the string list contains '=' signs, the text after the '=' is used a displayed name. This function is designed to be used with items of the collection . The optional parameter RowCount controls the count of rows which will be created. When the parameter 'FieldList' is passed a nil the method will automatically collect all fields from the items in property which use the AliasName as ParentDataSetName. The CallBack procedure can be used to modify the created cells.

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPSuperMerge.AddReportGroup(AliasName:string; Mode:TWPAddReportGroupMode; FieldList:string; CallBack:TWPTableAddCellEvent; RowCount:Integer) : TParagraph