Function TWPTextStyle.ASetAsINI(ValueList:TWPValueList; Options:TWPStyleAsIniOptions; ParentStyleElement:TWPRTFStyleElement) : Integer

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPTextStyle



The type of the result value is Integer.


This function reads the property values from a TWPValueList. The expected syntax is very similar to WPCSS, only that the items are provided as list, not in CSS syntax. ASetAsINI also understands element names which were used by WPTools 4 but are not now any longer used. The result is the count of properties which have been applied.
ASetAsINI and use the options parameter to limit the number of properties which are read and modified. Properties such as columnwidth or table position are never read or modified!
The last optional property is the reference to the item in ParStyles which is using this style object. It can be passed as nil.