MoveToTable Method

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Applies to



bool MoveToTable(string Name);



Moves to a table with a given name. The methods AddTable and InputTable allow it to give the table a name. If no table was found the result value will be false.


   if (TextCursor.MoveToTable("MYTABLE"))


      int val, sum = 0,i = 1;

      Random rnd = new Random();



         TextCursor.CPTableColNr = 0// First Cell



         val = rnd.Next(1000);





         if (!TextCursor.CPMoveNextRow(false)) break;




You may pass an empty string to locate the first table in the document. "{NESTEDTABLE}" will locate the first nested table in the current table cell. "{NEXTTABLE}" will locate the next table within the current nesting level. In case a table was found the cursor will be always moved into the first cell of the table.

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