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Outlines are displayed in a seperate window by Acrobat Destiller and a good way to navigate a document.


To create an entry use


Create an Outline level as jump to a certain bookmark

public void Outline(String Text, String Bookmark)


Create an Outline level as jump to the current page

public void Outline(String Text)


Create an Outline level as jump to a certain location on the page measured in pt

public void Outline(int x, int y, String Text)


Create an Outline level as jump to a certain location on the page measured in pt

public void Outline(Rectangle Rect, String Text)


To build the outline tree use


public void OutlineChild() // one level down

public void OutlineParent() // one level up

public void OutlineParent(int n) // n levels up




pdfControl2.Outline("Level 1");

pdfControl2.OutlineChild(); // Child on Level 2

pdfControl2.Outline("Level 2 a");

pdfControl2.Outline("Level 2 b");

pdfControl2.OutlineChild(); // Child on Level 3

pdfControl2.Outline("Level 3 a");

pdfControl2.OutlineParent(2); // Go 2 Levels up

pdfControl2.Outline("Level 1");

[outlines.htm]    Copyright © 2007 by WPCubed GmbH