Viewing images in exported RTF file - error in RTF?

  • When I generate a report with externally linked graphics in, the RTF file has in it:

    {\field{\*\fldinst{INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\\\pics\\\\img1.jpg" MERGEFORMAT}}}

    But the picture will not show in (eg) 'MS Word' or other RTF viewer. If I hack the WPtools generated RTF file to read:

    {\field{\*\fldinst{INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\\\pics\\\\img1.jpg" \\* MERGEFORMAT \\d }}}

    (ie add \\* before MERGEFORMAT and \\d after) then it works, and I see the image.

    Is this a bug in WPtools, or is there another way I can get linked images to work properly when viewed in another RTF view like Word.


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    You can change that save format in WPEmObj.PAS - simply add the \\d there. \\* is not required as far as I know. Unfortunately is Word unable to load an object size this way - but I have added a new \\w and \\h parameter to the latest V5 release to make that work, too.
