Differences between wpdfcontrol and wpdf

  • We have bought wPDFControl and also downloaded demo of wPDF. The PDF files generated by each show a big difference in size (34Kb. from wPDF engin versus 1Mb with wPDFControl). What are exactly the differences between both products (if any) ? It seems that the two products differ internally. Is this right ?

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    the PDF engine is the same. But the default setting for the properties differes.

    In your case I assume wPDF uses FontMode set to wpUseTTFFonts, wPDFControl uses 'Embed Symbol TTF'.

    You can modify the font mode in wPDFControl using
    wpdfcontrol1.SetIProp(WPPDF_USEFONTMODE, 0)
    Kind Regards,

    Julian Ziersch