Canvas.DrawString with DrawMetafile Problem

  • I'm using the wPDF Control in .NET. I'm having a problem using Canvas.DrawString along with DrawMetafile. I want to overlay some text after the metafile has been rendered.

    If I do:

    pdfControl1.StartPage(wPDF.ePage.Letter, false);pdfControl1.DrawMetafile(tern1.TerPageMetafile(page),300,300);pdfControl1.Canvas.DrawString("Hello World",new Font("Comic Sans MS", 24),new SolidBrush(Color.Black),40, 50);pdfControl1.EndPage();

    the text from the drawstring is never rendered.

    If I do a simple:

    pdfControl1.StartPage(wPDF.ePage.Letter, false);
    pdfControl1.Canvas.DrawString("Hello World",new Font("Comic Sans MS", 24),new SolidBrush(Color.Black),40, 50);

    the text is is rendered just fine on a blank page.

    Any ideas as to why the disconnect here? Is there something I need to do differently or a property I need to change?
