What does need to be set to print Landscape ?

  • I can set the Printer.Orientation to poLandscape - still prints Portrait


    I can set the WPRichText.Header.Landscape to True - still prints Portrait


    I can use the printer setup dialog to change the default paper size/bins for this LJ1010 from Letter/Automatically Select to A4/Paper Input Bin and only then does Landscape printing occur.

    I must be missing something obvious but is there a simple programmatic way to get the print to be in Landscape without having to resort to specific bin settings on the physical printer

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    if you use the bin selection it is possible that certain bins are bound to certain page fotmats. This is by installation on the computer.

    WPRichText.Header.Landscape = True always was the way to do it.

    The savest is:

    WPRichText.Printparameter.PrintOption := [wpDoNotChangePrinterDefaults]
    Printer.Orientation = poLandscape;
    WPRichText.Header.Landscape := true;
