Install Demo in Delphi 7

  • >I first compiled and installed the packages WPShared_D7_RT.dpk and
    >WPShared_D7.dpk in my Delphi 7 IDE.
    >Then, when I try to compile WPTools4D7_RT, it throws up an error saying
    >"File not found: ...WPRtfTxt.pas not found".
    >Now, I have WPRtfTxt.dcu but not the pas file.
    >How should I compile/install the WPTools and Forms packages in Delphi 7?

    Is the the Delphi 7 demo? If yes than the bad news is that it only
    works with the WPTools PRO since Delphi 7 demo uses a different VCL
    version so precompiled DCUs cannot be used.

    Otherwise please check if wptools\D7 is in the search path and that no
    other wp* units are in the path.